47 users have this game to trade, 42 want it, and 415 own it in library. Super Chibi Knight is an action adventure platformer with RPG elements. In the role of a small but valiant knight, choose how your character's skills will develop: along the path of magic, studying the manuscripts of blind wizards, or along the path of a mountain clan of beast masters, getting the opportunity to tame and control armies of wild animals. With 6 trading cards and 72 achievements. If you know other secrets, hints, glitches or level guides, then please Submit your Stuff and share your insights with other players.
The Valiant Knight Chibi Remains the Last Hope! Please Submit a Problem for any incomplete, non-working or fake code listed above. The powerful wizards of Wokoku tried to fight back, but one glance of the demon blinded them, they can no longer read their spell books the townspeople are in despair and mourn the loss of their defenders. Gathering an army of soldiers and enlisting the support of evil forces, the general launched an attack on the walls of the state.

In December 2021 Super Chibi Knight was ranked on popular streaming platform Twitch based on 0 thousand hours watched.
While the inhabitants of the magical country of Wokoku live in peace and harmony for good years, disbanding the armies and forgetting how to fight, the cruel General Tso hatches villainous plans: he hopes to free the powerful demon Monoczio from captivity and with his help to seize power. Super Chibi Knight is a Role Playing game developed by PestoForce that can be played on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Super chibi knight - a fun, minimalistic RPG platformer with lots of puzzles and puzzles that tells the story of the adventures of a brave knight, who is tasked with defending his home state of Wokoku from the attack of the evil General Tso, who wants to take possession of demonic power and take over the magic state.