
77 million paintings review
77 million paintings review

77 million paintings review


77 million paintings review

Vimeo is the only authorized source of release of this video recording by the original author of this video content. See end title credits in video for details. The audio soundtrack features one performance instance of a hauntingly beautiful ambient algorithmic composition PORTHEMEOR EVENING, created by composer Mark Harrop specifically for this production.Īll audio and video portions of this recording are (c)Copyright 2007 / 2008 by their respective authors. 7 HOURS IN 77 MILLION PAINTINGS offers the viewer an accelerated and arresting visual experience differing from this work's real time viewing experience, in that the video's imagery continuously draws the viewer's curiosity with little pause. This high definition HD video contains a 35 minute time lapse recording at 12 times normal real time presentation speed - equivalent to 7 hours (or 420 minutes) of one unique real time performance instance of 77 Million Paintings, a generative audio / visual performance concept which never plays twice exactly the same, originally developed by Brian Eno. The SECOND of the pair, 7 MORE HOURS IN 77 MILLION PAINTINGS, resides at: This video title is the FIRST of a PAIR of related works. 7 HOURS IN 77 MILLION PAINTINGS (37 minutes approximate total running time)

77 million paintings review